My ICASSP 2013 Schedule

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Note: Times and locations are subject to change.

Tuesday, May 28
10:50 - 12:50
SP-L1: Automatic Speech Recognition using Neural Networks Room 211
IVMSP-L1: Image Coding Room 212/213/214
SPTM-L1: Non-Stationary Signal Analysis Room 109
SPCOM-L1: Interference Management I Room 110
AASP-L1: Music - Transcription Room 121/122
SS-L1: Sparse Signal Techniques for Web Information Processing Room 118
MLSP-L1: Sparse Models Room 119/120
IVMSP-P1: Image and Video Restoration Poster Area A
MLSP-P1: Time Series and Sequential Models Poster Area B
MLSP-P2: Source Separation and Subspace Methods Poster Area C
SP-P1: Acoustic Modeling: Discriminative methods Poster Area D
AASP-P1: Music Transcription and Analysis Poster Area E
SPCOM-P1: Sensor Networks I Poster Area F
SPCOM-P2: Sparse Signal Processing and Wireline Multicarrier Systems Poster Area G
BISP-P1: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Analysis Poster Area H
SPTM-P1: Filter Design, Multirate Processing and Transforms Poster Area I
SPTM-P2: Adaptive and Sparsity-Aware Algorithms Poster Area J
15:30 - 17:30
SP-L2: Speech Segmentation Room 211
IVMSP-L2: Image Denoising Room 212/213/214
SPTM-L2: Signal and System Modeling Room 109
SPCOM-L2: Interference Management II Room 110
AASP-L2: Music - Content Room 121/122
SS-L2: New Types of Deep Neural Network Learning for Speech Recognition and Related Applications Room 118
MLSP-L2: Graphs and Learning Room 119/120
IVMSP-P2: Image Restoration, Reconstruction, and Retrieval Poster Area A
SP-P2: General Topics in Speech Enhancement Poster Area B
SP-P3: Features for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Poster Area C
SP-P4: Acoustic Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition Poster Area D
AASP-P2: Spatial and Multichannel Audio Poster Area E
AASP-P3: Loudspeaker/Microphone Arrays and Active Noise Control Poster Area F
SPCOM-P3: Communication Systems Poster Area G
SPCOM-P4: Resource Allocation I Poster Area H
SPTM-P3: Adaptive and Nonlinear Signal Processing Poster Area I
SPTM-P4: Quantization and Signal Estmation Methods Poster Area J
Wednesday, May 29
08:00 - 10:00
SP-L3: Acoustic Modeling with Neural Networks Room 211
IVMSP-L3: Video Coding I Room 212/213/214
SPTM-L3: Learning in Distributed Networks Room 109
SPCOM-L3: Resource Allocation II Room 110
SAM-L1: Beamforming Room 121/122
SLP-L1: Human Spoken Language Acquisition and Learning Room 118
IVMSP-P3: Video Coding II Poster Area A
SP-P5: Speaker Recognition: Front End Processing Poster Area B
SP-P6: Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Poster Area C
SP-P7: Multilingual Recognition and Identification Poster Area D
MLSP-P3: Learning Theory and Algorithms I Poster Area E
SPCOM-P5: Interference Management III Poster Area F
SPCOM-P6: Modelling, Estimation, and Synchronization Poster Area G
AASP-P4: Auditory Modeling, Hearing Aids, Room Acoustics, and System Modeling Poster Area H
SPTM-P5: Sparse Modelling and Compressed Sensing Poster Area I
SPTM-P6: Signal Restoration and Enhancement Poster Area J
10:30 - 12:30
SP-L4: Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Room 211
IVMSP-L4: Interpolation and Super-resolution Room 212/213/214
SPCOM-L4: Sensor Networks II Room 109
AASP-L3: Multichannel Source Separation Room 110
SS-L3: Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions in SP Research for Hearing Instruments Room 121/122
SAM-L2: Compressive Sensing and Sparse Modelling Room 118
MLSP-L3: Learning in Speech and Audio Room 119/120
IVMSP-P4: Video Segmentation and Tracking Poster Area A
IVMSP-P5: Image and Video Analysis, Processing, and Recognition Poster Area B
SP-P8: Robust Automatic Speech Recognition: General Topics Poster Area C
SP-P9: Speech Enhancement Poster Area D
SLP-P1: Spoken Language Understanding I Poster Area E
SLP-P2: Dialog and Speech Translation Poster Area F
AASP-P5: Audio Analysis and Synthesis Poster Area G
AASP-P6: Audio Coding Poster Area H
SPTM-P7: Compressive Sensing and Sampling Poster Area I
SAM-P1: Detection and Estimation (Joint SAM/SPTM) Poster Area J
15:20 - 17:20
SP-L5: Robust Speaker Recognition Room 211
SPCOM-L5: Sensor Networks III Room 212/213/214
AASP-L4: Microphone-Array Beamforming and Source Localization Room 109
SAM-L3: Radar and Sonar Array Processing Room 110
SS-L4: Acoustic Event Detection and Scene Analysis Room 121/122
SLP-L2: Language Modeling I Room 118
MMSP-L1: Multimedia streaming and Social network Room 119/120
IVMSP-P6: Image and Video Quality Assessment, Analysis, and Segmentation Poster Area A
IVMSP-P7: Image Analysis I Poster Area B
SP-P10: Computational Paralinguistics Poster Area C
SP-P11: Acoustic Modeling: Novel Methods for Automatic Speech Recognition Poster Area D
MLSP-P4: Learning Theory and Algorithms II Poster Area E
SPCOM-P7: Relay Networks Poster Area F
SPCOM-P8: MIMO Communication Poster Area G
BISP-P2: Ultrasound and Tomographic Imaging Poster Area H
SPTM-P8: Signal and System Modeling, Representation and Estimation I Poster Area I
SAM-P2: Direction of Arrival Estimation Poster Area J
Thursday, May 30
08:00 - 10:00
SP-L6: Pitch Analysis Room 211
IVMSP-L5: Image Feature Extraction Room 212/213/214
SPTM-L4: Sampling Theory and Methods Room 109
AASP-L5: Speech Separation and Enhancement Room 110
SAM-L4: Array Calibration Methods Room 121/122
IFS-L1: Information Forensics and Security Room 118
IVMSP-P8: Image and Video Coding and Representation Poster Area A
IVMSP-P9: Image Analysis II Poster Area B
MMSP-P1: Multimodal Characterization, Tracking, Recognition, and Synthesis Poster Area C
SP-P12: Models for Speaker Recognition and Verification Poster Area D
SLP-P3: Language Modeling II Poster Area E
SPCOM-P9: Encoding and Decoding Poster Area F
SPCOM-P10: Localization and Tracking Poster Area G
BISP-P3: Biological Imaging and Bioinformatics Poster Area H
SPTM-P9: Signal and System Modeling, Representation and Estimation II Poster Area I
SAM-P3: Source Localization and Tracking Poster Area J
10:30 - 12:30
SP-L7: Robust Processing for Automatic Speech Recognition Room 211
IVMSP-L6: Image Segmentation Room 212/213/214
SPTM-L5: Sparsity and Compressed Sensing Room 109
SLP-L3: Spoken Term Detection Room 110
SS-L5: Adversarial Signal Processing Room 121/122
IVMSP-P10: Remote Sensing Poster Area A
IVMSP-P11: Image Interpolation, Super-resolution, and Applications Poster Area B
MMSP-P2: Speech, Audio, and Affective Processing Poster Area C
SP-P13: Clustering, Diarization, and General Topics in Speaker Recognition Poster Area D
MLSP-P5: Classification and Pattern Recognition Poster Area E
SPCOM-P11: Smart Grids, Social Networks Poster Area F
SPCOM-P12: Distributed Signal Processing Poster Area G
BISP-P4: Analysis of Physiological Signals I Poster Area H
SPTM-P10: Spectrum Estimation Theory, Methods, and Applications Poster Area I
SAM-P4: MIMO Radar and Waveform Diversity Poster Area J
15:20 - 17:20
SP-L8: Language Identification Room 211
IVMSP-L7: Image and Video Analysis, Processing, and Retrieval Room 212/213/214
SPTM-L6: Robust Methods for Detection and Estimation Room 109
SS-L6: Financial Signal Processing and Electronic Trading Room 110
SPED-L1: Signal Processing Education Room 118
IVMSP-P12: Motion Estimation, Registration, and Tracking Poster Area A
IFS-P1: Communications/Network Security Poster Area B
IFS-P2: Data Hiding, Cryptography, and Security Applications Poster Area C
SP-P14: Speech Production and Perception Poster Area D
SLP-P4: Spoken Language Understanding II Poster Area E
MLSP-P6: Applications of Machine Learning Poster Area F
MLSP-P7: Kernel Methods Poster Area G
SPTM-P11: Monte-Carlo Based Signal Processing Methods Poster Area I
SAM-P5: Sensor Array Processing Poster Area J
Friday, May 31
08:00 - 10:00
SP-L9: Prosody in Speech Synthesis Room 211
SPTM-L7: Performance Analysis and Bounds Room 212/213/214
SS-L7: Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing Room 109
BISP-L1: Biomedical Image Analysis Room 110
ITT-L1: Emerging Industry Signal Processing I Room 121/122
IVMSP-P13: Image and Video Biometrics Poster Area A
SP-P15: HMM-based Speech Synthesis Poster Area B
MMSP-P3: 3D Processing and Motion Capture Poster Area C
SP-P16: Speech Adaptation Poster Area D
SLP-P5: Spoken Term Detection and Spoken Document Retrieval Poster Area E
DISPS-P1: Design Methods for DSP Systems Poster Area F
DISPS-P2: DSP Algorithm Implementation in Hardware and Software Poster Area G
DISPS-P3: Architectures for DSP Poster Area H
SPTM-P12: Detection Theory, Methods, and Applications Poster Area I
SAM-P6: Sensor Network and Distributed Estimation Poster Area J
10:30 - 12:30
SP-L10: Voice Conversion Room 211
IVMSP-L8: Stereoscopic and 3-D Processing Room 212/213/214
SPCOM-L6: Sparse Signal Processing Room 109
BISP-L2: Biomedical Signal Processing Room 110
DISPS-L1: VLSI Implementations Room 121/122
SS-L8: Signal Processing Education in the Internet Age Room 118
IVMSP-P14: Image and Video Feature Extraction Poster Area A
IFS-P3: Biometrics Poster Area B
SP-P17: Speech Synthesis Poster Area C
SP-P18: Speech Analysis and Recognition Poster Area D
AASP-P7: Echo Cancellation Poster Area E
AASP-P8: Source Separation and Biomedical Applications Poster Area F
AASP-P9: Music, Speech and Animals Poster Area G
AASP-P10: Content-Based Analysis, Multimedia and Transducers Poster Area H
SPTM-P13: Estimation Theory, Methods, and Applications Poster Area I
SPTM-P14: Detection and Estimation Methods, and Applications (Joint SPTM/SAM) Poster Area J
15:20 - 17:20
SPTM-L8: Classification and Pattern Recognition Room 211
SPCOM-L7: Communication Systems Room 212/213/214
AASP-L6: Room Acoustics and Acoustic System Modeling Room 109
BISP-L3: Analysis of Physiological Signals II Room 110
DISPS-L2: DSP System Implementations Room 121/122
IVMSP-P15: Image and Video Enhancement Poster Area A
IFS-P4: Forensics Poster Area B
SP-P19: General Topics in Speech Recognition Poster Area C
SP-P20: Speech Analysis and Coding Poster Area D
ITT-P1: Emerging Industry Signal Processing II Poster Area E
AASP-P11: Source Separation Poster Area F
BISP-P5: Analysis of Physiological Signals III Poster Area G
SPTM-P15: Sparse Modeling and Estimation Methods Poster Area H
SPTM-P16: Estimation Methods and Applications Poster Area I
SAM-P7: SAM Methods and Applications Poster Area J